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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

On January 1, 2017, I happened to listen to the Ted Talks on NPR, and the topic was happiness. What better way to start the New Year! I was doing other things at the same time, so I don't remember all the details, but I heard enough to get the gist of some of the primary aspects of happiness, and how we can achieve that natural state of joy, regardless of our situation.

The first one I recall is presence of mind— the recognition that if you are 100% engaged with whatever you are doing, whether it is washing dishes or making love, or even bandaging an injury or being treated for one, there is a natural state of joy at the center of your being, and you can tap into it.

Some of the ice storm damage to our house.Gratitude is the next point I remember, although I am not sure of the order presented. What I do know about gratitude is that when you are in a state of gratitude, you are less likely to feel the pain and suffering that may be going on inside or around you. Mark and I are living an example of gratitude, for although we lost many trees and have only some plastic to keep out the cold from where the tree broke through our skylight, we are living in gratitude, and it is quite easy to find if we stray, because the same tree that broke through our dining room skylight would have killed Mark but for the stout beam that was over his head, the only thing between him and the 200 year old oak that fell and broke on the roof above him while he was sleeping.

OK, so now I've forgotten the sermon, so I will have to give it a go on my own… The first thing that comes to my mind is giving to others. Generosity breeds joy, so spread it around! I found myself talking with one of my daughters the other day about when and how to teach a child about the importance of philanthropy, specifically, and gift giving and sharing in general. There is nothing like Christmas to be reminded us of the commercialization of gift giving, and of the importance of generosity.

Laughter is long known to be good medicine, and can bring one into a state of joy and happiness, although sometimes all too fleeting, faster than just about anything. This morning when speaking with my daughter, whose 21 month old boy is suffering from a severe virus, we found a relative story that put us into paroxysms of laughter, such that we could hardly stop. Laughter being contagious, my husband chimed in and with his remark, the contagion spread. Suddenly things weren't so dire, the stress level shrunk, and life resumed from a happier place. If the statistics about laughter are right, we probably looked better, added at least a few minutes to our lives, and became instantly more productive as well. Maybe we should all take a few days to do nothing but watch good comedies, just to revitalize ourselves…

And lastly for the moment, as I need to keep this a short newsletter, I am reminded of a Chinese saying: “If you want to be happy for an hour, get drunk—if you want to be happy for a day, get married— if you want to be happy for life, plant a garden.”

The "dancing goddess" in the tree that tried to whack MarkActually, as good as it is, gardening can't be the culmination of happiness anymore because we live in the age of climate change, and if this past summer and our first hit of winter is the new “normal,” or if we might as well toss the “Farmers' Almanac” because we can no longer depend on the weather or the timing of the seasons, gardening is going to get much more interesting in many places. So if all of the above don't work, then we'd best get down to the work of discovering what does…

Since I come from the perspective of an alchemist, I believe that all of nature and creation, both physical and in spirit, can be used as allies when appropriate, and since all forms of life (physical and spiritual) in some way have as much invested in our healing and the healing of our planet as we do, then with due respect, we can find all the support and help we need. Is there truly evil? That's a controversy I don't need to get into to make my point, yet I have had the luxury of living a relatively peaceful life as opposed to some places in the world that have known nothing but terror, loss and hatred for generations. That said, those of us who are awakening to the power of love over fear, and the potential of co-creation with spirit are having to work (dance) twice (at least) as hard to influence the collective dysfunction in which we find ourselves.

Enough about New Years, Happiness, and what we're here for—let's have some fun…

I am offering three classes in the first two months of this year:

Making Spirit Medicine

The first is a four-session tele/web class, Making Spirit Medicine. The subject is exactly how it sounds, and includes new (as in not yet published) allies, techniques and methods of healing that are both fast and effective, and would be in the next Alchemical Healing book if I were to write one (doubtful, although I am considering co-authoring a sequel soon.) The dates are January 17 24, 31, and Feb 4

Details and Online Registration

Practical Applications of Egyptian Mysteries

Women of Wisdom Conference, Seattle

Next is a two day workshop with Normandi Ellis, my favorite Egyptologist/scholar/priestess/writer preceding the Women of Wisdom Conference at the North Seattle Community College February 15 and 16. We will share practical applications of the Egyptian Mysteries, including the Anubis Oracle and hieroglyphic thinking, and work from our latest book, The Union of Isis and Thoth, Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt. Please learn more about this and the WOW conference here, and register for the workshop on their website here…

Alchemical Healing

And while I'm headed North, after the opening of WOW I will drive up to Maple Ridge, BC, Canada to teach Alchemical Healing from February 17-20, including a free (but necessary for the workshop) evening introduction. Both events will be held at Chiron’s Way, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada (near Vancouver). I will teach, with the assistance of my Canadian cohort, Debbie Clarkin, as much of the comprehensive Alchemical Healing form as I can deliver in an evening and three full days. Learn more about Alchemical Healing here…

More info and registration…

The alter-egos of our teachers, Normandi, Sandy, and IndigoEgypt

There are just a couple of openings left for this March Egypt tour, Witness the Ancient Ones through Visioning, Dreaming and Writing, so if you feel called, now is the time. Originally this was to be a tour with Indigo Rønlov and Sandra Corcoran, and when it looked as though Indigo couldn't go Normandi Ellis stepped in. Now it is the three of them, which is a huge bonus. I wish I could be there…

Upcoming Egyptian Mysteries Tours

Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. is excited to give brief view introduction to our upcoming tours beyond this March! We will have registration for the 2018 trips open beginning this month. All our tours include 9 nights aboard our private dahabeya, include at least 3 private visits, and will offer specialized teachings as we travel throughout this land of antiquity—its sacred temples, sailing the ancient Nile, and experiencing the warmth of the Egyptian people. The intricately carved and colored stone monuments and temples still hold the empowered intentions of the adepts who built and consecrated them; while the ancient neteru, the Egyptian Pantheon, are alive and waiting to share both their wisdom and boundless love. For more information please register your interest here…

Nile sunset on the dahabaya AfandinaFebruary 22 – March 7, 2018: Normandi Ellis and Indigo Rønlov look forward to offering you an Alternative Egypt tour that will incorporate visits to many sites we typically do not see on our traditional trips. In addition to some of the beloved temples we always go to, we may also visit the Valley of the Whales, Minet Hub, the Valley of the Queens, Precinct of Mut, Kalabasha Temple, the Sun temple of Abu Ghorab, the churches and mosques of Old Cairo, and more. While we journey through the land, we will work with the Medju Neter, learning this ancient system of communication to deepen our relationship with the neteru and the sacred sites we visit. While this tour is specifically catered to those who have been to Egypt with us before, anyone who feels called to Egypt is welcome to join us! (We do vet our clients to make sure they are a good match for the deep spiritual work that we do.)

March 8-21, 2018: Debbie Clarkin and Indigo Rønlov will share with you the Egyptian Mysteries as we explore the wisdom of the neteru, with a special ceremony in the Great Pyramid during the Vernal Equinox. This journey will offer you a wonderful opportunity to enhance your innate visionary abilities and reconnect with the spirit of ancient Egypt. Debbie and Indigo will introduce you to these ancient being whose wisdom is more relevant than ever! Debbie Clarkin is a teacher of Alchemical Healing and the Egyptian Mysteries from the Thoth lineage, who lives and teaches in Canada (and sometimes Australia), and who has assisted Nicki on several tours and many classes and retreats.

Private Sessions and Individualized Mentoring: Programs

I will be returning to offering private and mentoring sessions after the 13th of January, or as soon as I get my final edits to my publisher. For those of you that are already working with me in this way, thank you for your patience while I am completing my Sekhmet book. For information about what I do in my private Alchemical Healing sessions, mentoring programs, and Anubis Oracle readings, go to Private Sessions

I also think there is still time to register for Sandra Ingerman's tele/web class, which I heartily recommend. To learn more and to listen to her free presentation, go here…

I wish for healing and happiness for All My Relations in this fledgling New Year.

With love and prayers for peace,
Nicki Scully


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