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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter
Dear Friends,

It's hard to believe it is springtime already! Everything is happening so quickly, it's as though life is moving as fast as the tiny new sprouts beneath the topsoil that are feeling the pull of the sun as the plants reach for the sky. There is a particular color green I associate with springtime in Eugene— lush, bright, vivid, and alive, accompanied by growth so rapid that if you stand still and attentive, you can actually see certain vines growing, and leaves unfurling.

Normandi, SheilaZ & NickiThis year I had the privilege of entering springtime in three different eco-systems, starting in Eugene, then moving to Las Vegas and winding up in Los Angeles in time for the full moon lunar eclipse and a visit with Sage and Jake and family who needed to be there during Blue's spring break. With so much energy and my ongoing yet steadily improving physical limitations, you'd think that I would have collapsed before I ever got to LA— but there is something about grandchildren that renews life, and their love and joy works like an elixir.

Before I get into the joys of grand parenting, I'd like to thank all those who helped Normandi and me in Las Vegas: SheilaZ, you were most gracious and helpful while hosting us at your home and helping us promote our workshop. And thank you for the delicious lunch you made for us and our students, and for the lovely Equinox ceremony at Calico Canyon. Likewise, big hugs and thank you to Katlyn Breene for hosting us at your beautiful home for our Friday evening event, and for your continued commitment to your spiritual community with your Saturday evening Equinox ceremony. You are both ongoing inspirations for Normandi and me.

Jeffrey Mishlove, we thank you for inviting us to be on your TV show, New Thinking Allowed. You brought us to Las Vegas, and we can't wait to post your interviews, which are some of the best, ever! Normandi's first interview (of two), Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt is scheduled for public release on April 14 and mine on Shamanism on April 18, Urls to follow . . .Thank you Jeffrey!

Blue is almost five now, and when she flung herself onto my bed at that magic hour that is too late for children to stay in bed and too early for grandmas to wake up, and while I was still deep asleep, I yelped as I found myself launched straight upwards into a surprisingly chaotic and wonderful day, filled with simple joys and deeply felt expressions of love. Wiley turned one last week, and he is trucking around like a two year old, getting into everything and requiring eyes on, every minute.

Nicki with WileyLooking at the first few days of spring through the eyes of these children who are just awakening to the springtime of their own lives is instructive on many levels, especially to the many reminders of my own age and mortality. The appreciation with which I face the treasures that are so rich and abundant grows more apparent with each new spring. As Mark and I drove to the airport last week, we were suddenly more thankful than ever before that we made it through another winter, our thirty-first together in Oregon.

As I complete my 73rd year I keep looking for what retirement will look like and feel like, however I am slowly concluding that despite the reduction in travel and the relinquishing of several of my major responsibilities, there seems to be no shortage of requirements to maintain our home and keep things going, so here's what's coming up for me this year, and I hope you will choose to join me for some of these events:

Free Virtual Book Launch Party for The Union of Isis and Thoth, Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt

Wednesday, March 30

My co-author Normandi Ellis (of Awakening Osiris and many other amazing books) and I will be on line between 4:30 and 6:30pm Pacific (7:30-9:30) to discuss our book, answer questions, give at least one initiation, and even send a party favor to each participant, please join us.

Register Online

Free Planetary Healing Call to Action— Cancer

Monday, April 4th at 6:00pm Pacific

Every month possible since Planetary Healing, Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation by Nicki Scully and Mark Hallert was published in 2011, we have offered a free Call to Action, a teleconference to use the exponential powers of our numbers to engage in the meditations from the book and new ones that have come after in order to create a functional healing community for our selves and our world. In response to requests from a number of our participants, we are devoting the next Call to Action to Cancer, for those dealing with the disease directly, and for those who are supporting family members or loved ones who have some form of this disease. Many of the past calls from the eight years that we did our “Phone Bridges for Healing Cancer” are posted here…

For more information and to register for the upcoming Call…

Alchemical Healing Teleclasses Level I and II:

Level I: Mondays & Thursdays, April 11, 14, 18, and 21, 5:30-7:30pm PT

Alchemical Healing is a powerful healing form that provides ways to weave spirit and matter, to develop communications between divinity and humanity, to retrieve knowledge, and to transform magical experience into wisdom in order to skillfully influence physical reality and achieve healing.

Level I includes:

  • Introduction to Thoth and Fire Mist Shower Empowerment
  • Opening of the hands and third eye
  • Using your hands to feel a person's energy field and distinguish states of health and dissonance
  • X-ray Vision
  • Learn safe techniques for clearing pain, trauma, illness & emotional blocks
  • Work energetically with plants and animal totems for healing
  • Safely Access and work with Spirit Allies, Guides and Totems
  • Distance Healing
  • Forgiveness as an Alchemical Processs
Register Online

Level II: Mondays and Thursday, May 9, 12, 16 & 19, 5:30-7:30pm

Level II includes:

  • The Caduceus Initiation
  • Deeper work with totems, guides and allies
  • Wiring the hands and fingers to the five elements
  • Protection and Shielding
  • Healing with Elements
  • Ethics of Healing
  • Introduciton to Akasha (combination of initiations)
  • Power of Commitment
  • Practice, practice, practice
  • Other Therapeutic Processes and potent healing techniques (according to available time)
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Q'eros Tarpaypacha Spring Reunion

April 14-17, Eugene, OR.

We are honored to sponsor the International Q'eros Foundation's events at my home/center here in Eugene, Oregon. During their Tarpaypacha Spring Reunion for 2016 they will grace my home with ceremonies, personal sessions, and a weekend of direct transmissions from the Q'ero elders, including Kuraz Alikueq Don Rolando Soncco Apaza of Hatun Q'ero.

More Information…

The Q'eros Foundation is also presenting a community despacho ceremony for Pachamama at the Saraha Buddhist Center in Eugene on April 15. Call them for registration at 541-342-8348

More Information on the Despacho Ceremony…

Nicki Scully and Bruce Lipton
Country Fair, 2009
Bruce Lipton and Nicki Scully together—The Grand Convergence/Science Meets Shamanism

Friday July 15 evening and all day Saturday, July 16

Sponsored by East West Bookshop, these events will take place at the Center for Spiritual Living in Seattle. Friday evening is a rare opportunity to meet and greet, discuss the latest scientific epiphanies, and experience a demonstration of shamanic healing that is also an initiatory rite of passage.

Bruce brings his extensive background in cellular biology, quantum physics, and the leading edge of scientific views of consciousness. Nicki applies her vast experience as a metaphysician, Alchemical Healer, and practitioner of shamanic traditions and ancient Egyptian mystical arts.

One moment you will be drawn deeply into spiritual dimensions of consciousness—that trance-like arena where miracles can and do happen—and the next moment you will learn about proteins and mem-brains and how the shamanic journey and/or healing you are about to experience is real and explainable from a scientific perspective. There is a third partner in their presentation: The Field, otherwise known as Spirit. Bruce speaks of invisible forces as he describes the powers of energetic transmissions that ultimately lead to the recognition of one's divinity, and even one's immortality. Nicki speaks of deities and archetypes, animal totems and plant spirit medicines, and the Universal Life Force, and describes and demonstrates how these invisible forces inform our healing and our co-creative capacities.

For more information and to register:

Personal and Planetary Alchemical Healing Intensive Retreat

August 1-8 in Eugene, Oregon

This year I am excited to offer a seven-night Alchemical and Planetary Healing Intensive retreat seminar. We have decided to consolidate the learning process in order to make it more accessible and with less travel required. The processes in our latest book Planetary Healing: Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation were initially created to expand the scope of Alchemical Healing beyond one-on-one healing to a larger scale, where it can affect groups and situations such as environmental degradation, diseases, conflicts and disasters. In this retreat we will cover salient rites and initiations from the entire Alchemical Healing form, providing tools and experience that will give participants depth, breadth and confidence in their personal and planetary Alchemical Healing practices.

More Information
Register Online

Egyptian Mysteries Workshop and Retreat

August 19-21: Part 1 in Hillsboro, Oregon
August 24-28: Part 2 in Eugene, Oregon

Normandi and I are doing our Egyptian Mystery School retreat differently this year. The first part will be the consecration of an Egyptian Star Temple in Portland from August 19th – 21st, followed by our six day retreat at my home/center/ temple in Eugene from Wednesday, August 24th to Monday, August 29th. During the weekend workshop in Portland, we will activate the land that has been prepared in a sacred manner, using the tools and maps that Normandi and I have so meticulously researched and developed in our eighteen prior Egyptian mystery school retreats and seven journeys to Egypt together.

For the Egyptian Mysteries Retreat, we plan to do some of the work from our new book that we have not shared in past mystery schools, although we will not know the entire content of this retreat until we are given the information from Thoth, usually within a couple of weeks before the retreat begins. After all, it is a mystery for us, too, and if we knew we would probably try to figure out what we are supposed to do rather than let it happen spontaneously, which is how the mysteries have come to us in the past.

More Information
Register Online

Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. Egypt Tours in 2016

April 21 - May 5
Astral Egypt: Living and Dreaming Together
An Egyptian Mysteries Tour with Normandi Ellis & Indigo Rønlov

October 11 - 25
Conscious Creation and Rhythms of Manifestation
with Indigo Rønlov & Hope Medford

November 26 - December 10
Living Hotep: Manifesting Peace Within and Without
with Normandi Ellis & Indigo Rønlov

Click titles for more information, and register your interest here…

I managed to get back to Oregon and am already missing the grandchildren more than I could have imagined. I'm so happy that two of our grandsons live here in our area. Amazingly, they have become teenagers in what seems like the blink of an eye. They and the two in Seattle are growing up much too fast. Thankfully, I will get to see Marcus and Alex this afternoon.

Happy Spring, Purim, Passover, Easter, and Equinox (although I'm late for some). Please remember how important and special springtime is, and use the power of this time to sow seeds for the rest of your year, so that your harvest will carry you through the next long, wet and cold winter, or whatever our new climate brings to you.

Mark and I Love you all and Thank You!!!!!
Nicki Scully


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