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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

What a summer it has been! Today we actually got about 10 minutes of rain—the first in a couple of months. It seems as though it's been one heat wave after another, and we here in the Northwest are the lucky ones. As the weather begins to cool, I am of mixed emotions. It seems that the older I get the more narrow is my tolerance for both heat and cold; and the weather is without a doubt changing and becoming more severe in both directions.

Our garden is still lush and filled with color and nourishment, however it takes a lot more water to maintain, and it sometimes feels like an unsustainable luxury. Which leads to our next Planetary Healing Call to Action free tele-conference gathering. Not sure yet what I plan to focus on, so please respond with your ideas and what you think is most important at this time. We certainly have plenty of challenges to choose from. Perhaps we should work on the co-creative process itself, and how we can find solutions shamanistically, directly from source. If we choose to do that, we can do a journey that focuses on how great ideas are formed. There is already a journey for that in Painting by Willow ArleanaPlanetary Healing: Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation, a book that I co-authored with my husband, Mark Hallert.

Register for the Free Planetary Healing Call to Action Here…

While I am recovering from the magical Egyptian mysteries retreat during which fifteen people were staying in my home, I am dreaming about where I can spend some of the colder and wetter winter months in a warm place, All ideas will be gratefully received—perhaps a trade???

Nicki's Temple Garden during the Egyptian Mysteries
Photo by Patricia Haynes
The Egyptian Mysteries retreat was exciting for many reasons: It became clear that we have completed, after two decades, a full round, or perhaps two, in the up-going, ever expanding ascending spiral of life, and we are once again at a point of new beginnings. We spent our time co-creating the future world we want to see for our children and grandchildren, and discovered and embraced many magical actions; a kind of ancient Egyptian practical magic. It was more accessible than esoteric, and extraordinarily exciting because of the enthusiasm and harmony within our group. Since eggs have always been a symbol of new beginnings in my work, we included a wonderful art project where we blew out eggs and painted the shells with our visions. We then turned them into stone soup, from which we co-created our collective vision, our group's contribution to the future world we are all creating together. It was a great combination of deep and delightful, yet practical alchemy that is an ongoing process for all involved.

Sekhmet: In The Belly of The Goddess Teleclass

Six 1 ½-2 hour sessions, starting Thursday, September 22, 5:30-7:30pm Pacific; Monday, September 26; Thursday, September 29; Monday, October 3; Thursday, October 6; and Monday, October 10.

Back by popular demand, I have chosen to do one more Sekhmet: In the Belly of the Goddess teleclass before my book on this most important of goddesses completes its final edit. Not only is this the most popular class that I do, it is the most important work that we can be doing at this time. The process of alchemy that we will engage in (I know that many of you are wanting to repeat it) is nothing short of an opportunity for transformation and healing at warp speed. Evolution is a slow process, and we simply don't have that much time to find the solutions to the challenges we are facing, personally and as a planet. “Mutate or die” was my rallying cry when I had cancer in 1992, and I'm still here. As more and more people are noticing that their personal or communal lives are reflecting the chaos of a planet in crisis, we each need to step up to the plate as guardians of Ma'at, and help bring the world back into harmony and resonance with natural Cosmic Law. Ma'at is both the goddess and the concept of Truth, Order, Justice, Balance and Cosmic Law. Now is the time for those of us who are awakening to remember why we are here . . .

Register for the Teleclass Here…

Sekhmet's name means "power," or "mighty one." It is she who incarnates in all of us who recognize the need to bring the world back into balance; we are all in service to Ma'at. Sekhmet is the principle that is called in when Ma'at is forgotten and cosmic law and justice has been defiled. It is the intention of this work that in our transformation we learn a gentler, kinder and faster way than the one described in Sekhmet's legend.

If you feel so moved, it would be helpful to start preparing before the class begins. Consider what in yourself you'd like to transform at this time. The aim of this class is to find and transform any characteristics, qualities, weaknesses or other limiting factors that keep you from achieving your highest potential in this life. The alchemical process that you will engage in will bring you to the realization that you have the capacity to transform your most deeply ingrained negative habit patterns, including your inherent rage at people's inhumanity to one another and disrespect of the planet. You will experience directly the entire alchemical process while your offering is safely gestating in the belly of Sekhmet. The alchemical gold, the universal medicine that is the result of your commitment and attention to the work at hand, provides the opportunity to heal at many levels—physical, emotional, spiritual and soul. Sekhmet's teachings include powerful internal transformation and shamanistic healing attunements and techniques through which you become a fully realized, adult child of the Goddess, self-confident, fully in your power, and strong and clear in everything you do.

Egypt Tours

November 26 – December 10, 2016
Living Hotep: Manifesting Peace Within and Without with Normandi Ellis & Indigo Rønlov

March 17 – 31, 2017
An Egyptian Pilgrimage: Witness the Ancient Ones through Visioning, Dreaming and Writing with Normandi Ellis & Sandy Corcoran

If you are called to visit Egypt, there is still space in the November/December tour with Normandi Ellis and Indigo Rønlov, and the March tour with Normandi Ellis and Sandy Corcoran. Please see for details.

Private Sessions

Regarding my personal changes as I move away from traveling to Egypt and doing retreats at home; those days are over, at least for the time being. Instead I will be doing appearances at special gatherings and festivivals, private sessions and some mentoring. My new mentoring program is still a work in progress, custom designed for people who want to study with me privately, generally in groups of six sessions that are discounted for volume. As I was working out the details for the first three people who asked to be part of this, it came to my attention that I haven't changed my private practice costs in more than a dozen years. So here's a heads-up that if you want a private session, now is the time. Once I get into the editing portion of my Sekhmet book I will have to stop any additional work, and I'm still waiting to get my schedule. So between now and then, I will keep my prices where they are (and they are always negotiable for those in need). However, once I return to work after the editing process I do plan to raise my prices a bit.

Enjoy the rest of your summer, or winter if you live Down Under. And remember, all that is truly required of us is to breathe, and to be grateful at every opportunity.

Blessings and love,


Email Newsletter Services by xnau
