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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

I just arrived in San Francisco after a wonderful, magical time at EarthDance in Laytonville. Check out the festivities at the EarthDance website. If the feed for the simulcast prayer for peace and my Bat journey to set it up is not uploaded yet, it should be soon.

Joan Borysenko, my new collaborator:

As you may have noticed, I have a history of bringing exciting personalities on board to co-lead with me in my sacred tour adventures.

Joan Borysenko is one of the great spiritual teachers of our time. She is also a distinguished medical researcher who has helped pioneer integrative medicine and the body-mind connection. Joan's background is as a medical research scientist, and her work has been foundational in an international health-care revolution that recognizes the spiritual dimensions of life as integral ingredients of health and healing. She is world renown as an eloquent and inspiring speaker, and a credible bridge between science and mysticism, faith and reason. Her brilliance, humor, and authenticity—in combination with the latest research—infuse her compelling books (I believe there are fourteen of them).

Since Dr. Joan is launching her newest book today, I thought it would be a great time to announce our upcoming magical mystery tour collaboration Egypt tour November 4-18, 2010, followed by an optional extension to Jordan and Petra. See our newest Egypt page for more information.

Joan's new book and gifts:

A new world is emerging at warp speed, and some of us will do better than others adapting to it. Understanding that the future isn't something that happens to you, but something that you create is the key to surviving and thriving in changing times. It's Not the End of the World by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., provides the framework so you can get down to business in a practical way and learn to think and act like a resilient, highly creative person.

From Joan:

"My purpose in writing this book is to help you overcome fear; stress less; and learn how resilient, creative people think and act. At the risk of sounding prophetic, I believe that in a few years, a new kind of natural selection will have its way with humanity. Hopeful, stress-hardy people will rule the world. And as change and uncertainty escalate, which is likely, those who are stress prone will be less and less able to compete…"

The world is in crisis…but we don't have to be. We all know resilient people who bounce back from hardship and create their best lives. That's the promise of change. Other people stress out and melt down, losing hope and health. That's the danger in times of change. The good news is that resilience isn't a genetic gift for the lucky few—it's an easily understood skill that anyone can practice and master. Anubis, Opener of the Way Joan's new book will help us learn fundamental tools for mastering resilience that will allow us all to adapt and thrive into the future.

I am offering a special gift into this promotion, one that is in synch with Joan's message, although from a more alchemical/shamanic perspective. Transforming Fear and Embodying your Power is a live, two hour tele/webcast with me October 8 at 5:30-7:30pm Pacific (8:30-10:30pm Eastern). In this class I will guide you through a shamanic journey during which you will meet the Egyptian jackal god of the underworld, Anubis, Opener of the Way. Anubis is a staunch ally—a powerful and trustworthy guardian who sees and protects equally in the day and the night, and who knows all the pathways that lead from the darkness back to the light. His keen senses and watchful eye assure that no outside forces will endanger you while you do the deep inner work of transforming your fears through a unique alchemical process.

Sekhmet, The Mighty One Following your work with Anubis, you will be guided to Karnak Temple, where you meet Sekhmet, the fiery Egyptian lioness goddess whose name means Power, or The Mighty One. She is the Feminine Fire, and her essence is fierce compassion. In Sekhmet's presence you will receive an initiatory empowerment that will seal the work with Anubis and help you to stand in and sustain your strength, power and courage. Click here to order Dr. Joan Borysenko's new book and receive this teleclass as a free bonus. For those who might not be able to attend the class, we will have a recording of the class available for a limited time. This class is also available from us directly for $60. Registration here.

And speaking of Egypt: There are two tours coming right up, and there is one that just opened for the Normandi Ellis/Gloria Taylor Brown writing tour in October, and two for mine in November. Last chance! Let us know if you want either of these spaces right away!

Please check out my website, for more about what I'm up to, and my schedules page for upcoming events.

Lots of love and joy,


Pilgrimage to Egypt with Nicki Scully and Dr. Joan Borysenko
with an optional excursion to Jordan & Petra

November 4 - 8, 2010

Join Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. for the Autumn 2010 pilgrimage to Egypt with Nicki Scully & Joan Borysenko, PhD. This magical adventure joins science and spirituality to provide a deeper experience of the Mystery School rites of passage we experience in the monuments and temples of Egypt. Together they will lead you through a mystical weaving of science, spirit, and the shamanic magic of ancient Egypt.

More information and detailed itinerary is available on this trip's web page.

Please sign up if you wish to let us know you're interested in going on this amazing journey. (free readings available) (sample journey available)
Private phone sessions with Nicki (click here)

For updated events and a full schedule, please go to our schedules page.

Shamanic Journeys, Ltd.







