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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Four weeks ago today, I was happily running down the stairs to answer the door, when I slipped near the bottom, grabbed the banister, and was flung out and around to land solidly on my left hip on the stone floor by the front door. The pain was excruciating, however my own self-assessment could not really determine where the source was. Mark directed Brittney and Meadow to roll me up in a near-by carpet to keep me from the cold and drag me to the couch. It was then we realized that there was no way I could stand, or even be carried, to the car, so Mark called 911. Photo by MarkThe handsome young EMT was obviously empathetic, as he made sure I was kept free of pain during the long ride out to the hospital at River Bend. To my great surprise I learned that my hip was broken, the femur sheared just below the ball. Surgery was set for the next morning.

About four or five hours following the operation, as the photo above reveals, I was back at work teaching the last segment of a level one Alchemical Healing class via tele-web seminar. Colleagues Indigo Rønlov and Dea Lisk co-taught, and led the students final assignment… working on me! It was perfect. The timing could not have been better.

Thankfully, I still have not been fully discharged from the hospital, which allows me home care so that a physical therapist can see me here. They have been amazed at my progress and keep trying to slow me down. They were also astonished that after two weeks, the surgeon permitted me to move from 30lbs. pressure on my left leg to whatever I can tolerate. This has allowed me to venture out into my garden where I can plant pots on my deck and pick flowers near the edges where I can also do some light weeding and dead-heading, all from within the confines of my trusty and secure walker. Actually, a lot of the ground is uneven so it is not that secure, but I am learning fast. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will be able to climb stairs so that I can see my own bedroom and altar space once again. Meanwhile, I am fully enjoying nesting in the library end of our living room, which is enclosed with the Tibetan door hangings that I brought home from Tibet oh so many years ago. Our dear friend Roland Barker has come from Hawaii to feed us and make sure I have lots of comfrey and horsetail tea and a green drink every day. I am so grateful to Mark and the many people who have stepped up to help out and keep our scene running while I am going though this recovery.

Photo by Elizabeth Goward, Nicki's garden faerie

All and all, I would say this has been an extremely positive experience. It's as though the universe decided to force me to slow down enough take a long, clear look at life. I have solidified a new vision of where my work will proceed as I enter my eighth decade of this wonderful ride called 'life.' That vision includes a lot more tele/web seminars, I have upgraded my conferencing system and am discovering how, in some ways, we become more intimate and can go even deeper in classes such as Alchemical Healing. The span of energy created by our various geographical locations, seems to make our connection stronger, and the demonstrations and healing we do during the classes have had immediate and profound effects. (I actually just learned that there are many research studies available attesting to the benefits of online learning). I am will be doing mini classes over the summer on such topics as the Heart Breath, spirit allies, elements, and certain aspects of the Egyptian Mysteries. These will be one-time lectures that include journeys and/or ceremonial rites of passage that will not cause the kind of scheduling conflicts that occur with longer-term classes.

It is amazing how quickly things change when you least expect it. I had to cancel my presentations at several events including the Women's Visionary Congress in Petaluma and Circle of Light Conference in Las Vegas. We decided to postpone the Egyptian Mysteries Retreat until September 19th-23rd, which will be a great way to celebrate the powerful full moon/equinox window with focus on the Hathor Festivals celebrated yearly around that time in ancient Egypt.

All in all, I'm excited as I look forward to a summer of joy and abundance. I wish the same for you and hope to see you soon, hopefully at the Oregon Country Fair, Beloved Festival, The New England Women's Herbal Conference, or in phone space.

Blessings and love, and pay attention to where you place your feet!

Free Planetary Healing Call to Action
Summer Solstice, June 20th, 6pm PST

Please join Mark and I in making magic happen for the greater good of all living things on our planet. See below for links to further information and to register, and when you register, please offer any suggestion you might have regarding what this ritual might include. In the meantime, we will consult our oracle for further direction regarding our ritual.  If you have not joined one of our Calls to Action in the past, please check out our Planetary Healing Facebook Page and

Register for this free call here…

Inside the Ancestor CaveHealing Our Ancestral Lines
Tele/Web/Skype Seminar
Tuesday, June 25th at 6pm - 7:30pm PDT (9pm EDT)

I was fortunate enough to vision quest in a cave in the western desert of Egypt, known as the White Desert. There I was introduced to the shamans who dwelt there around 7,000 years ago. In the coolness of that cave I met my history, our history, and was reminded of the importance of connecting, healing and maintaining the frayed and broken lines between ourselves and the wise ones of the past. This level of healing is reflected back in our DNA, genetic proclivities, and age-old habit patterns, some of which need to be transformed in order evolve. During this 90-minute-plus session we will visit this cave and take our place at the midpoint between our ancient lineage of ancestors, and future descendents. Once we mend, we will have greater understanding of our ancestral lineages, and thus our purpose in the present, and in the future.

The ancient shamans who still inhabit this sacred cave have welcomed us, and are eager to share their wisdom and healing with those who come in a respectful way.

You can learn more about The Cave of the Ancestors at

Register Here…

Forgiveness Meditation in Alchemical HealingForgiveness as Way to Healing and Wholeness
Tele/Web/Skype Seminar
Thursday, July 25th at 6pm - 7:30pm PDT (9pm EDT)

Forgiveness is a fundamental process on the path of Alchemical Healing (as it is in Huna and many other spiritual traditions) for good reason. For-giving is what takes us back to before the giving of the hurt. Or consider it as that which is required before we can give fully of ourselves. It frees up energy that has been holding stressful patterns in place. It clears the way for a larger current of energy to flow through us. It takes effort to hold on to old guilt, grief, and pain, just as grudges and gripes contribute to stress. When we truly forgive, we transform old and recent relationships, whether or not we choose to maintain them. Included in this 90 minute session will be an exercise that will help you to prune and maintain your sacred tree of life. When you have removed or transformed the deadweight of dense and dark cords, you will have more energy to apply constructively in your life.

Register Here…

AnubisTransforming Fear with Anubis
Tele/Web/Skype Seminar
Tuesday, July 30th at 6pm PDT

Anubis is the Egyptian god of the underworld, "Opener of the Way." He is the son of Nephthys and Osiris, and was raised by Isis. Among many other functions, he is the god who looks after miscarried and abandoned children. He guards and protects equally in the day and the night, and knows all the pathways that lead from darkness into light. His keen senses and watchful eye assure that no outside forces will endanger you while you do your inner work. I have found him to be a trustworthy guide, teacher and protector. Fear closes off the passageways to Love. The level of fear that a person experiences can be very deeply rooted and covers a massive spectrum of complexity. It feels debilitating and exhausting, but it can be relieved.

During this 90-minute-plus seminar we will journey with Anubis to experience the transformation of fear using one of the main ingredients of alchemy: sulfur. I am honored to share this transformative process with you.

Register Here…

Nicki Scully and Martina Hoffmann with Sekhmet in the temple at KarnakMeeting the Goddess Sekhmet
Tele/Web/Skype Seminar
Thursday, August 1st at 6pm PDT

Her name means Power. She is the Mighty One, Lady of the Flame, the feminine fire, daughter of the Sun. Considered by many as the goddess of war and destruction, Sekhmet is also the quintessential healing goddess of Egypt. She is the deity who represents Fierce Compassion, and who plants the seeds of your sacred purpose into your heart in Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt and The Anubis Oracle (Nicki Scully and Linda Star Wolf, Bear & Co. 2007 and 2008). Sekhmet's myth, although constantly altered through eons of retelling, speaks of a goddess who comes to Earth to deal with a human populace who had lost respect for their creator and each other. The slaughter that ensued was not pretty. I'll tell the myth during class. Sekhmet, the fierce guardian of Maat, the order and balance in the world. During this workshop we will journey to meet Sekhmet in her Chapel at the Great Temple of Karnak. There you will receive direct initiations from this great and powerful Goddess.

Register Here…

Nicki Scully and Amit Goswami at Beloved 2012 Photo by Patrick OhBeloved Arts & Music Festival
Tidewater, Oregon
August 9 – 12

Beloved is a 4 day camping, art, and music festival on the Oregon Coast. The intention is to create and present sacred space and sacred music to help eradicate the illusion of separation from one another, from the Earth, and from The Beloved. Nicki will be doing a Visioning for the New World ceremony Friday night and teaching a Making Spirit Medicine workshop. Times to be announced.

New England Women's Herbal Conference
August 23 - 25
New Found Lake, New Hampshire

Join us in this Special Celebration Honoring Women's Wisdom, Healing & Herbs The WHC is a Benefit Conference for United Plant Savers. I will be presenting two workshops and an intensive. "Alchemy for Transforming Fear," workshop on Friday afternoon, and "Spontaneous Evolution through Shamanism & Alchemy " intensive beginning Saturday morning. On Sunday I will present "The Pandemic of Cancer, A Shamanic Approach."

Registration for the conference is on their website:

Feasts of Light is available for purchase on Hathor's Mirror.Exploring the Great Work: An Egyptian Mysteries Retreat Co-Created and Led by Normandi Ellis & Nicki Scully
September 19 – 23, 2013 in Eugene Oregon

Thanks to Divine timing, we will be celebrating the full moon, Solstice, and Normandi's birthday in addition to the Egyptian Mysteries. We are dedicating these Mysteries to Hathor, Goddess of sexuality, intoxication and love. For your information, Hathor is the flipside of Sekhmet; their names have been freely exchanged in some of the mythology. What Mysteries Hathor chooses to reveal to us will remain a mystery until just before the retreat. The extent of our alchemical process will only be discovered within the process itself. We look forward to sharing this profound yet joyful time with you.

What follows is an excerpt of Normandi Ellis' book Feasts of Light: Celebrations for the Seasons of Life:

"In ancient Egypt, Hathor was the most popular goddess among the common folk, her worship being older than that of Isis and many of the gods. Her image as the dancing, horned goddess was carved on the canyon walls of the savannah as early as 6000 B.C.E. There one can see images of the beasts of the field and the wild animals that were brought for her blessing…

"No one loved a party better than Hathor, goddess of music, dnace, love, and jubilation. One day was simply not enough to celebrate her birthday; in fact, the whole month was devoted to the goddess and her festivities… On her birthday in Dendera, the cult statue of Hathor was paraded onto the terrace of her temple to bask in the brilliant rays of the sun and in the appreciative love of her people. The citizens of Dendera and surrounding villages, breathless with excitement, waited outside the temple precinct for a glimpse of their goddess, whom they called the Golden One. Much of the birthday celebration was spent eating and drinking. There was music from dawn until dusk, the clatter of sistra, the rattle of menat beads being shaken, the lilting song of the flute, the beat of drums…

"The Dendera texts themselves describe the sight: The gods of heaven exclaim 'Ah' in satisfaction, the inhabitants of the earth are full of gladness, the Hathors beat their tabors, the great ladies wave their mystic whips, all those who are gathered together in the townare drunk with wine and crowned with flowers; the tradespeople of the palace walk joyously about, their heads scented with perfumed oils, all the children rejoice in honor of the Goddess, from the rising to the setting of the sun."

This retreat will be held at Nicki's home/center, the Lyceum of Shamanic Egypt, located in the hills near Eugene, Oregon. The retreat begins with an early dinner on September 19 (allowing people the early part of the day to arrive and get comfortable), and finishes in the late afternoon, depending upon people's flight needs on September 23. Most meals from Thursday dinner through Monday lunch will be catered.

To register please visit Hathor's Mirror.

Egypt Tour — Spring 2014 with Nicki Scully and Indigo Rønlov

My Egypt trip with Sandra Corcoran in October is full. The next Egypt tour I will be doing is with my dear friend and colleague Indigo Rønlov in March 2014. This will be an extraordinary Egyptian Mysteries tour that will include a component of service as a give back to Egypt. All of the tours I conduct in some way relate to planetary healing as expressed through the relationships between the Egyptian pantheon, the monuments, and ourselves. This one will also be centered around planetary healing with the addition of physical action to bring what we learn into direct manifestation for the benefit of Egypt and the world.

Nicki and Indigo Rønlov in Egypt March 2013The following brief essay is drawn from Indigo's proposal to Naropa University where she is studying for her Master's degree in Ecopsychology. After several trips assisting me in Egypt, she has established deep roots with our family of friends there, as well as the pantheon, temples, and monuments. Consequently, she has chosen to do this as her required Service Learning project. I know that we who attend, and all the Egyptians we engage with in this project, will benefit greatly and hopefully set a new trend for recycling in Egypt.

Greetings All—

The act of being in service to something greater than oneself opens a pathway from our head to our heart in a beautiful and profound way. Adding this service dimension to an already potent Egyptian Mysteries tour will bring us, the participants, through our individual alchemical process to a planetary one allowing us to hold focus on several levels of healing and transformation simultaneously.

As a team of Sacred Warriors, we will be armed with joy, gloves, a stick with a nail, and a desire to express gratitude to this amazing country, cleaning up the litter in and around some of the sacred monuments of Egypt. We will partner with locals, ideally teachers and middle-school age children, who will join in our efforts.

As in much of Africa, single use plastic has become epidemic to the landscape, ecological health, and culture of Egypt. Plastic is so prevalent in the world today it is as if humanity was never able to function without it. It is true that it has served us in many, many ways, yet our excessive consumption of plastic products comes at great cost. Beyond the visual impact of garbage littered about the landscape, there are, in fact, a number of heath consequences from discarded plastic in the environment.

This service tour will offer the same high caliber spiritual experience expected of Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. As we sail the Nile on our private dahabeya we will explore the Egyptian Mysteries. During several private temple visits without the bustle of tourists, our intimate and gracious sail will provide essential opportunities for contemplation and reflection on the marvels and magic of Egypt and our group alchemy.

It is our hope that the children and others who witness and participate in our clean-up efforts will learn to take pride in the land which sustains them, as well as the monuments that bring economic benefit via tourists who come from around the world to witness their splendor.

We are hoping to include at least one workshop where we teach these children and their teachers how to recycle the plastic as yarns to create art and utilitarian commodities such as carpets and re-useable bags. Additionally, we can offer what we know about plastic and its many effects on the environment. This is still in the planning stage, and will possibly be offered as an optional extension to the trip. I plan to spend the month of December laying the groundwork so that we can gracefully combine our service with our spiritual quest.

We hope you will join us on this special journey. More details will be on the website as the exact itinerary develops.

In gratitude, Indigo


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